The Constitution of the association
Constitution of The Chest & Heart Association of Bangladesh
To advance the understanding and treatment of chest and heart diseases, we establish this Constitution for guiding the Association's operations.
Article I: Objectives
- Promote collaboration among medical scientists.
- Encourage research and scientific work.
- Cooperate with national and international organizations.
- Publish journals and health materials.
- Maintain a library.
- Support patient services and rehabilitation.
- Establish branches nationwide.
- Organize conferences and seminars.
- Undertake necessary functions to meet objectives.
Article II: Funds
- All income is used for Association objectives.
- In case of dissolution, remaining assets are transferred to a similar society as decided by members or the court.
Article III: Membership
1. Chief Patron: President of Bangladesh.
2. Patrons: By Executive Committee approval with Tk. 20,000 contribution.
3. Life Members: Approved individuals paying Tk. 3,000.
4. Ordinary Members: Qualified individuals paying Tk. 300 annually.
5. Associate Members: Engaged individuals paying Tk. 200 annually, with no voting rights.
Article IV: Executive Committee
1. Members: President, two Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, General Secretary, two Joint Secretaries, and six Members.
2. Election: Elected for three years.
3. Co-option: The Committee can co-opt additional members.
4. Vacancies: Filled by election at the next annual meeting.
Article V: Functions
- Manage funds and accounts.
- Handle property and personnel.
- Organize conferences.
- Perform necessary functions for the Association’s goals.
Article VI: Meetings
1. Frequency: At least every three months.
2. Notice: Seven days for ordinary meetings; 24 hours for emergency meetings.
3. Quorum: Five members required.
4. Voting: Majority vote; presiding officer has a casting vote in ties.
Article VII: Officers' Duties
1. President: Presides over meetings and supervises activities.
2. Vice Presidents: Act in the President’s absence.
3. Treasurer: Manages funds and accounts.
4. General Secretary: Maintains records, manages correspondence, and organizes meetings.
5. Joint Secretaries: Assist the General Secretary.